Klipsch was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric and a proud member of the Engineering and Science Hall of Fame. He gave rise to technologies that would forever impact generations of music lovers. He left an amazing legacy for you to discover.

The KHMA’s mission is to restore, preserve, maintain and display Klipsch and Klipsch-related artifacts and archival materials for historic purposes, as well as to conduct pertinent historical research and to host educational activities and events.  


From the dawn of Hi-Fi

Paul W. Klipsch had a major impact on many people and on many levels. He inspired engineers with his technical prowess, his products brought audio realism (some call it HiFi) into countless homes, and his “eccentric genius” behavior awed and amused others. KHMA was founded by individuals so impacted and counts many, many more as enthusiastic supporters.

The Museum

The museum was started by Paul Klipsch and its contents represented his passion for audio history and standing on the shoulders of giants. In his collection are artifacts from all the greats in the industry from Western Electric to RCA. There are literally a dozen 4ft square cases of his documentation and letters. There may not have been internet back then but he was networked to all the greats in the industry.


The museum is run by a collection of Klipsch fanatics, former and current employees. The future success of this museum is dependant on lots of small donations by enthusiast audio fans around the world. Please consider becoming a member or at least donating. Thank you.