Return Of the Webster Electric Organ Amps From Hell P1

I bought these cretens years ago. Sent them off for a full rebuild but the guy I sent them to was a POS. I waited a year and just demanded them back I got one half assed done the other in pieces. He shipped poorly and poof gone a quad of genelex kt88. Sigh.. Disgruntled I sold them. Then they were offered back to me. I had to take them and lets make them what they should have been… Kick ass organ amps of about 90watts…. Yikes…. Then I may keep or sell them..

The tube compliment 2 x 5R4, 2 x 0D3, 2 x 6sn7, 2x 6550, and one 12AU7 which we will eliminate.


Pickering And Co


Retro Hi-Fi Girl Friday