Klipsch Jubilee Short Story

One of the best stories in audio horn history. PWK made the corner horn famous and built an amazing company on his design principles. In the late 80’w PWK started teaching Roy Delgado the mysteries of horn audio. Roy had his own ideas and they didn’t always jive with PWK that is until the data showed promise. This was the entrance of modfied tractrix at Klipsch and acceptence by PWK. This is an abbreviated tale. Long story short PWK and Roy Delgado completed the first consumer Jubilee. This was to be PWK’s swan song. Short story long PWK passed and the Jubilee did not make it to production. Roy passed the bass bin into the pro cinema line where it was found by PWK maniac horn enthusiast. PWK would have been proud at the amount of these pro cinema warthogs that made it into peoples homes. This first Jubilee is superb and it even surpassed the Klipschorn in specs. According to PWK it deserved its own name above the Klipschorn. This was not an easy task. Fast forward many years. I attended several horn events in Hope over the years. I learned alot form Roy and Klipsch staff. I caught tidbits from Roy but it wasn’t until the Klipschorn Jubilee 2022 version was announced that it all came together. Roy put all those years of PWK conversations into a path forward in horn audio research. Roy took it all to the next level. PWK would be proud and maybe even a little surprised. The K402 with its modified tractrix and the Horn Loaded Sub technology is ground breaking. This all went into the new Klipsch Jubilee along with state of the art drivers. It might not sound like much but trust me the new Jubilee is truly amazing. Those who haven’t heard are skeptical and that is fair. All I can say is there are those who have heard and those who have not. Be a heard… When you can put your ears on the Jubilee it will be like when people talk about the first time they heard a Khorn or Klipsch system. This thing is stunning.


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