Stephie Bench Designs

Stephie Bench is a name I have heard numerous times from Jeffery and Dave. When I saw a link to Stephie's archive I jumped at it.  I've only just started down the DIY road so I'm reading all I can. There are many things on Stephie's site I'm interested in. I'd lie if I said understood it all but I am catching on albeit slowly. Stephie's archive was saved by the good people at JacMusic There is so much cool stuff here to check out.

Right off the bat I'm most interested in the 2 way active crossover. I've been wanting to use something like this with my jubilees. I like the idea of only having what I need in the crossover without all the extra processing in the off the shelf active crossovers.

Another thing that caught my eye was Stephie's 845 No R No C amp. If you dig in there is tons of information and several No R No C designs. I'd like to work my way up to this amp. It may take a while though. Hell it could take me a while to hoard this much iron..... It would be more realistic for me to do one of Stephie's battery powered amps.

I would be curious what Stephie believes is the best amp she has ever designed. 
Check out the site it is very interesting.
Thank you Stephie & Jac Music.



Retro Hi-Fi Girl Friday