Weekend Hanging Out With Experience Music And Intact Audio Part III

The tag line of the Experience Music and Intact Audio blog Hi-Fi Heroin is new school ideas meet old school junk. The junk they refer to is far from it. However It is very clear after just walking around snapping a few pics who they study and revere.
I was supposed to do a video interview while there but time just slipped away. Maybe next time. I learned alot just from hanging out and listening.  

 These petal horn studies are reminiscent of the early audio horns. I got to hear one of these briefly and it sounded great.
The picture of this horn does not do it justice. This walnut is stunning. I hope to see more of these in the future. The construction was very interesting. 

Expect big things from EMIA in the future.


Weekend Hanging Out With Experience Music And Intact Audio And WE16 Part IV


SWING MONKEY SWING - Color Rhapsodies