The Hero Of LSAF 2012

The hero of LSAF was not the person who brought audio equipment to the show but the person who brought three wonderful kegs of homebrew beer. Barrett's website for all things audio is at INNERURBAN. The blog about his beer creations are here at
. The three craft beers were a Porter a Nutbrown Ale and a Belgium style rye. They were each very unique and incredible. Barrett I'm sorry about the pic for some reason I had trouble working my camera....
The traveling kegerator was fully customized and the inevitable gathering place at the Emia room. I met most people at the show standing around it. When people saw the taps their eyes lit up and after a few taste were immediately impressed. These beers were better than anything I'd had at any microbrewery recently. Someone needs to pull up at Barrett's house with a truckload of money so he can open a brew pub. It would be a sound investment. Top notch.
Thanks for brewing and bringing these superb brews and kegerator.

Retro Hi-Fi Girl Friday


Lone Star Audio Fest 2012