Weekend Of Bottom Feeding

The weekend started with a sweep of some flea markets outside of town. Didn't really find much except these Victor projector speakers with field coils. The speaker grills are totally cool. They wanted $295 a pair so I'll research them and if they are worth picking up I'll go back for them.
Then things started to get strange. It seems Belle had an odd protrusion from her..... Marketing Fail!
Then my phone rings. A friend says that there are free records tapes or cds at the Last Chance Records warehouse. I think Belle was some sort of omen for the rest of the day. The warehouse was huge and full of thousands and thousands of records. Unfortunately this had been picked through since Thursday :(. I did pick up a hundred records and a few cds. Here is a sample.

Brittish Rockabilly from 1980. Think Stray Cats but with more energy and balls.

ROFLMAO how could I not buy this (I mean pick up for free) especially since it is sealed well actually it was all sealed.

This just cracked me up.

This record made sweating balls for four hours in an unairconditioned or powered warehouse worth the entire trip. This band is bad ass and the record is fairly rare.

I mostly picked records by bands I hadn't heard of before. These were mostly Brittish bands but a couple Caribbean dancehall or African bands. Too cool bottom feeding is fun.

This post originated at retro vintage modern hi-fi http://itishifi.blogspot.com

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