Electro Voice And Licensing From Klipsch
There was a very close and financially beneficial relationship between Electro-Voice and Klipsch for many years but especially in the early days. Almost all of the Electro Voice folded horn designs were licensed from Paul Klipsch. That was what PWK did best in my opinion. One of the best speaker cabinet designers. This was also no secret it is mentioned openly and proudly in early hi-fi literature.
Electro voice also took PWK concepts and ran with them. Look at the Patrician IV which was a gigantic Klipschorn an 18 inch woofer. There are traces of PWK all over the Electo Voice literature. This sort of business relationship is very interesting to me. Next time I get to talk to Mr.Hunter at Klipsch I'll have to ask about this.
EV Aristocrat Designed by Klipsch
EV Baronet Designed by Klipsch
It would be nice if Klipsch would write a Paul W Klipsch biography from more of a technical standpoint like the McIntosh and Quad books. A history of every speaker and prototype would be very nice.
Electro voice also took PWK concepts and ran with them. Look at the Patrician IV which was a gigantic Klipschorn an 18 inch woofer. There are traces of PWK all over the Electo Voice literature. This sort of business relationship is very interesting to me. Next time I get to talk to Mr.Hunter at Klipsch I'll have to ask about this.
It would be nice if Klipsch would write a Paul W Klipsch biography from more of a technical standpoint like the McIntosh and Quad books. A history of every speaker and prototype would be very nice.